Will you be ready for flu season in 2022?

Don't let the virus catch you off guard. Talk to your GP or pharmacist about flu vaccines and how you can protect yourself against the flu.


Ways to protect yourself and others from flu

  • Vaccination
  • Maintain distance or avoid work and activities with symptomatic individuals and households
  • If you don’t feel well, stay at home (for more information about COVID-19 and Flu click here)
  • Wash your hands regularly

Vaccination is one of the best ways to protect against influenza

The influenza vaccine helps train your immune system to make antibodies to fight the influenza virus. By activating your natural defences, it gives you a head-start when your body is exposed to real influenza virus. Remember, it takes 2–3 weeks to build immunity.

Illustration of syringe

Some people may be eligible for flu vaccines funded under the National Immunisation Program.

Annual flu vaccination is recommended for all people aged 6 months and over.

What are you doing to protect yourself?

Talk to your GP or pharmacist about flu vaccines and how you can protect yourself against the flu